Sober Up Spartan Style sheds light on how Spartan Race and DEKA, Spartan’s partner sport, have reconnected individuals with themselves and others, particularly after struggling with substance misuse. Highlighting the pressing issue of the current drug epidemic,

Dr. Pipia advocates for the integration of Spartan Race and DEKA into rehabilitation centers, envisioning a supportive and healthy environment for individuals upon their release. The book is a captivating blend of research, personal stories, and interviews from Spartan Race Founder Joe De Sena and others in the athletic arena, making the reader feel a part of the journey and inspiring them to contribute to the cause. Dr. Pipia acknowledges that there are many avenues to healing but highlights Spartan Race as a unique path to profound personal growth accessible to individuals of all abilities and backgrounds. The profound healing and enhanced well-being gained through these sports serve as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against substance misuse. Immerse yourself in Sober Up and embark on a transformative journey towards a more inspiring and healthier lifestyle, benefiting both yourself and those you hold dear.



SOBER UP SPARTAN STYLE: Recovery Through Racing

Print available at $14.99

SOBER UP SPARTAN STYLE: Recovery Through Racing

Ebook available at $9.99